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  Gareware Ropes


3 Stand ropes

Product Id: 3 Stand ropes

GWRL offers a wide range of 3 strand hawser laid and 4 strand shroud laid ropes for a variety of applications such as Fishing, Shipping, Ports, Shipbuilding Yards, Stevedoring, Defense, Material Handling, Construction, Electricity Boards and various other Industrial Applications.

Garfil 3 strand ropes are made from

  • High Density Poly Ethylene Monofilament yarn (HDPE)
  • Poly Propylene Split Film / Parapro Tape
  • Poly Propylene Mono & Multi Filament (PPMF)
  • Polyester Multi Filament Yarn
  • Polyamide (Nylon)
  • Poly Propylene / Polyester Combination Ropes
Product Characteristics

  • Excellent strength and flexibility.
  • High abrasion resistance.
  • Unaffected by acids and alkalis.
  • Excellent shock absorption capacity.


Specifications High Density Polyethylene Monofilament Polypropylene Parapro Monofilament Polyamide (Nylon) Multifilament Polypropylene Multifilament
Circ in Inches Dia (mm) Wt. /Coil of 220 mtr. in Kgs Breaking Strength Kgf Wt./Coil of 220 mtr. in Kgs Breaking Strength Kgf Wt./Coil of 220 mtr. in Kgs Breaking Strength Kg Wt./Coil of 220 mtr. in Kgs Breaking Strength Kgf
0.50 4 1.76 200 1.76 281 2.31 321 1.71 190
0.75 6 3.96 400 3.74 602 4.95 750 3.85 440
1.00 8 7.26 700 6.60 1061 8.80 1346 31.50 770
1.25 10 10.78 1091 9.90 1561 13.64 2081 10.00 1140
1.50 12 15.84 1540 14.30 2213 19.58 2999 15.20 1625
1.75 14 20.90 2091 19.80 3050 26.84 4100 21.00 2230
2.00 16 28.16 2805 25.30 3774 34.76 5304 26.80 2800
2.25 18 35.42 3468 32.56 4814 44.00 6701 34.10 3560
2.50 20 44.00 4274 39.60 5804 53.90 8303 42.00 4300
2.75 22 53.46 5080 48.40 6956 66.00 9996 51.00 5200
3.00 24 64.90 6100 57.20 8129 78.10 12036 60.00 6080
3.25 26 72.20 6936 67.10 9404 92.40 13974 70.00 7050
3.50 28 86.46 8211 78.10 10710 106.70 15810 82.00 8080
3.75 30 101.20 9486 89.10 12240 122.10 17748 94.00 9200
4.00 32 115.50 10710 101.20 13464 138.60 19992 106.00 10240
4.50 36 145.20 13464 128.70 16932 176.00 24888 135.00 12880
5.00 40 172.70 16320 158.40 20502 217.80 29988 166.00 15900
5.50 44 209.00 19635 193.60 24582 264.00 35802 212.00 19650
6.00 48 253.00 22848 228.80 28560 312.40 42024 240.00 21760
6.50 52 297.00 26418 264.40 33048 365.20 48858 281.00 25200

Garfil 8 Strand mooring Ropes are made from:

  • PP Multifilament Yarn
  • Polypropylene Split Film / Parapro Tape.
  • Polyester Multifilament Yarn
  • Polypropylene-Polyester dual fiber (Maxiflex) yarn
  • PP Monofilament Yarn
  • Polyamide Multifilament Yarn
Product Characteristics

  • Torque free and balanced construction.
  • Better abrasion resistance.
  • Excellent shock absorption capacity.
  • Excellent shape retention.
  • Resistance to corrosion effect of marine conditions.
  • Unaffected by acids and alkalis.
    M/s. Lloyd’s Register of Shipping certifies GWRL ropes for breaking strength


Specifications Polypropylene Parapro/Monofilament Polyamide Multifilament(Nylon)
Circ inInches Dia(mm) Wt. /Coil of 220 mtr. in Kgs BreakingStrength Kgf Wt./Coil of 220 mtr. in Kgs BreakingStrength Kgf
3.0 24 57.20 8129 78.10 12036
3.5 28 78.10 10710 106.70 15810
4.0 32 101.20 13464 138.60 19992
4.5 36 128.70 16932 176.00 24888
5.0 40 158.40 20502 217.80 29988
5.5 44 193.60 24582 264.00 35802
6.0 48 228.80 28560 312.40 42024
6.5 52 268.40 33048 365.20 48858
7.0 56 312.40 37842 424.60 55998
7.5 60 358.60 43248 486.20 63852
8.0 64 407.00 48960 554.40 72012
9.0 72 514.80 61506 701.80 89964
10.0 80 638.00 75582 866.80 109956
11.0 88 772.20 90678 1049.40 130968
12.0 96 917.40 107100 1249.60 154020
13.0 104 1078.00 122400 1465.20 182070
14.0 112 1254.00 141780 1698.40 210120
15.0 120 1430.00 163200 1951.40 240108

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